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Our History

Where We Came From

DiscoveryBound’s Origin

DiscoveryBound, a division of Adventure Unlimited, was founded more than 50 years ago to serve Christian Scientists and their friends by providing activities that allow individuals to see the practicality of Christian Science in their daily lives.

DiscoveryBound is a program division run and funded primarily by Adventure Unlimited. The organization is governed by a Board of Trustees composed of dedicated Christian Scientists and is staffed by a small group of employees and hundreds of volunteers who carry out DiscoveryBound programs around the world.

Formerly Adventure Unlimited Chapters

Recognizing that a number of organizations serve young Christian Scientists, Adventure Unlimited proactively reached out to them. Each of these organizations is led by inspired, dedicated staff and volunteers, and offers unique learning environments and programs to support youth. By working more closely together and optimizing the strengths of these different organizations, we can all have an even broader impact on the lives of young Christian Scientists.

With this in mind, in 2001 the name of Adventure Unlimited’s year-round Chapter program was changed to “DiscoveryBound.” This new name is intended to let people of all ages, regardless of camp or school affiliation, to feel welcome and included in our activities.

Historical Sketch


Adventure Unlimited formed as a nonprofit organization, governed by a nationwide Board of Trustees.


First national training conference held for 1965 Adventure Unlimited volunteers; first local Adventure Unlimited Chapters launched; first local Adventure Unlimited activity for college-aged participants, drawing more than 275 individuals to the event in Barrington, Illinois.


First Chapter chartered outside the United States in Vancouver, BC, Canada.


Adventure Unlimited office moved from St. Louis to Denver. First Chapter chartered outside North America in Durban, South Africa.


Adventure Unlimited Headquarters building completed in Englewood, Colorado (since renamed Greenwood Village – a suburb of Denver).


Family and Adult activity programs added to Chapter programming.


First National Teen Leadership Conference, drawing more than 170 teens.


DiscoveryBound created as division of Adventure Unlimited to be more inclusive of all Christian Science organizations.


The DiscoveryBound National Leadership Council program was launched.


DiscoveryBound Boston Youth Meeting – teens met with the Board of Directors of The Mother Church.


Adventure Unlimited celebrated its 50th anniversary at the A/U Ranches with 450 participants.


Principia College hosted DiscoveryBound for its Leadership Conference with more than 500 teens and Chapter workers present.


DiscoveryBound named the program that oversees the local, regional, and national events, Outreach.


Adventure Unlimited celebrated its 60th anniversary with all program alumni, including DiscoveryBound Outreach and NLC, at the A/U Ranches.


The DiscoveryBound Compass program was launched.