DB Outreach: Denver Metro Local Chapter – Dessert Auction!
Join with friends and family in the Denver Metro area for a delicious fundraiser to support the local DiscoveryBound Chapter! There will be tasty treats, fun activities for all ages, a real live auctioneer, and information about how to be involved with the Chapter!
Who: Christian Scientists and their friends and family
What: A fun auction of tasty treats to help raise money for the DB Denver Metro Local Chapter. Funds go toward subsidizing the cost of activities and to camperships for local kids to go to the CS Summer Camps.
When: Saturday, February 22, 2025 from 2:00-4:00 PM MT
Where: The Koelbel Library | 5955 S Holly St, Centennial, CO 80121
RSVP: Laura Lochen | 714-615-8069
Bring: A dessert to contribute, if you’d like to! (Please include when you RSVP!)
Provided: Light snacks and drinks, children’s play area (all children must be supervised by an adult)
DB Denver Metro Chapter – Laura Lochen
Email: llochen@adventureunlimited.orgWebsite: https://www.adventureunlimited.org/organizer/db-denver-metro-chapter-laura-lochen/Venue:
Koelbel Library
Address:5955 S Holly St
Centennial, CO 80121 United States
+ Google Map
Website: https://www.adventureunlimited.org/venue/koelbel-library/